Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Self Portrait

This image is a self-portrait, taken in the mirrored surface of a bank in downtown Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA (January 2011).

I took this photograph using my Olympus OM-1, with Zuiko 28mm f/2.8 lens and Ilford XP2 Super 400 film. This is my most commonly used combination of equipment, and I shall give more information on each piece of kit used in future posts, along with the other pieces of equipment I own.

Tom Parkes
London, UK


  1. hi,
    im new to the olympus OM1 and i just wanted to know how exactly switch from taking pictures in color to black and white?
    btw amazing picture!!

  2. Hi there,

    Thank you for your comment. There is no way to 'switch' from taking pictures in colour to black & white with this camera - the only way that this can be achieved is to purchase and use black & white film. This particular shot was taken using Ilford XP2 Super - which is a black & white film but is developed in the same way as regular colour film (C-41 processing). This film can therefore be developed at your local pharmacy like any other colour film.

    'Actual' black & white film requires different processing techniques, and is therefore not usually carried out at 1-hour photo labs such as those in your local pharmacy or grocery store. You may need to source a professional photo lab, or mail order lab - better still, you can learn to process your own B&W film at home (I do this, and the equipment needed can be purchased for around $100).

    In short - to take B&W photographs with the OM1 (or any other 35mm camera) you need to purchase a B&W film. Another way would be to cheat and have your colour photographs scanned, then you could convert the image to B&W yourself using any photo editing software you like. This, however, defeats the object of shooting with film, in my opinion, and I would therefore advise against this. Try some Ilford XP2 Super and take it to your local photo lab - you'll like the results I'm sure!

